We talk to Rose about the inspiration she finds on Exmoor and how she came to work in acrylics and watercolour paints.
HG: When and how did you become an artist?
RT: I started painting at age 14 when my brother bought me acrylic paints for xmas.
HG: What made you choose to work in your particular discipline?
RT: I started to use water colour after a course at the Brewhouse introduced me to wet on wet painting and evening classes at the local college encouraged me further.
HG: Where do you find and what do you look to for inspiration?
RT: At first I looked to Chinese and Japanese artists but now I look at the world around me. I love the Exmoor landscapes.
HG: What unique style do you bring to your work?
RT: My present style is realistic but I am experimenting all the time.
HG: How has your style changed over the years? What influences have you had?
RT: I have tried to loosen up my style and bring more of my mathematical background into my work.
HG: What do you find challenges you the most in your line of work and the materials you work with?
RT: I find water colour challenging in particular leaving eye catching white spaces.
HG: Where are you looking to take your work next?
RT: I am exploring oil pastels this year and hope to develop my skills in portraiture. I am also working with Mod roc making 3D models.